We believe that the God of the Bible is the only one and true God revealed eternally in three persons as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. These three persons are the same being with the same nature and character and exist in perfect unity eternally.
We believe that Jesus is God and the second person in the Godhead. He is eternal in nature and was manifested in flesh and walked on the earth as both God and Man. He was born by a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross to pay the price of our sins and rose again in order to redeem all that are willing to receive Him as Lord.
We believe that every believer can be filled with Holy Spirit, who was sent to us to comfort, teach and guide us in our journey with God. He empowers our character and service. The Holy Spirit also seeks to convict those who do not believe in Jesus of the nature of our sin, God’s standard of righteousness and the coming judgment.
We believe that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God and is completely reliable for correcting and instructing us in the way of life and is unchangeable in nature.
We believe that salvation is a gift of God and cannot be earned but must be received by the grace of God. We believe that God will accept all who humbly come to Him as they are to follow Jesus as their Savior and life leader.
We practice both water baptism and communion as taught by the Bible. Baptism is a public act used to identify our lives with Christ first with His death and then with His resurrection into new life. Communion is a time of remembering Christ’s sacrifice and redemption offered so beautifully for us.
We believe in the unity of all born again believers and churches throughout the world. We believe that every believer should be serving in a local church and loving one another and the community in tangible ways.
We believe that every believer is called to pray for the Father’s will to be done in our life and on earth as it is in heaven. This includes his desire and invitation to us to pray for healing.
You are healed because:
God is in control!
Jesus paid the price!
The Holy Spirit moves with power through you!
Healing is your inheritance!
Coachella Valley Healing Rooms believes that we serve a loving and compassionate God who longs to heal His people. Come with the expectation that God will meet you in your present need. He desires to bring healing, restoration, and wholeness to your body, soul and spirit.
When you arrive, you’ll be greeted by our Receptionist, who will ask you if you’re visiting for the first time or are a return guest. If you’re a first-time guest, you will receive a full-page ministry request and release form. You give us as much of your contact information as you like, write your prayer request in the space provided, and sign and date the form. Return guests will only be asked to put their name on our Sign-in sheet. Prayer sessions are normally on a first come, first served basis, with a few exceptions for the critical ill.
Once you’ve filled out the ministry need form, you’ll be invited to wait in our “Encounter Room,” a place set aside for you to worship, pray, meditate, read Scripture, or engage in any other silent activity that brings you peace and prepares you to receive from the Lord.
Your request form is given to one of our 2-3-person ministry teams. They read your request and then pray over it, asking Holy Spirit to show them how to minister to you. When the team is ready to receive you, one of the team members will personally greet you in the Encounter Room and bring you to the ministry room.
A typical ministry session at the Healing Rooms lasts 20 minutes. All prayer sessions are in private rooms and are confidential. Depending on your needs and how many other guests are waiting.
Our heart is that all guests experience God’s Love and His healing power through us at every visit. Some of our guests receive the healing they seek instantly; some as they go and others receive it progressively with additional prayer sessions. For this reason, we commit to persist with you for as many ministry sessions as you need.
After your session, we have found the following helpful. Remain in an atmosphere of faith and hope by thanking God for all the things He did/is doing, meditating on scripture, listening to praise and worship music and testifying to others, giving glory to God for what He has done. If you are not part of a faith community, consider joining a local Christian church that teaches the bible and believes in the present-day work of the Holy Spirit.
If you have been under medical care, return to your doctor for verification of your healing. Jesus told the leper whom He healed to go show himself to the priest (priests in those days were like physicians, and after examination would pronounce healings).
Please share your testimony of healing with others. This helps you maintain your own healing and gives hope to others desiring for God to heal them. Testimony forms are available from any of our team members or from our receptionist.